Christmas 2023

Taking the Love, Hope, & Faith of Jesus Christ
to the suffering, lost, and unreached world this Christmas :-).

Dear Friends and Partners,

Grace and peace be multiplied to you from our Lord Jesus Christ! As we approach the joyous season of Christmas, our hearts are filled with gratitude for your unwavering support in spreading the love, hope, and faith of Jesus Christ to the suffering, lost, and unreached world.

This year, our Christmas outreach in Nepal will bring blessings to those in need. Inspired by the teachings of Christ and field by your prayers and giving, we aim to touch lives in four meaningful ways:

Families in Need: In the heart of central Nepal, we aspire to bless around fifty families with warmth and sustenance. Through your generous contributions, we plan to provide blankets, food, and basic necessities, embodying the spirit of Christ’s compassion for those in need.

Children’s Home Kitchen: One of our children’s homes requires a new kitchen to better care for the five precious souls under our guardianship. Your support will help us create a space that is better for caring for so many of God’s precious little ones.
Christmas Presents for Every Child: Our mission extends to ensure that each child in our care, along with their host parents, experiences the joy of Christmas. Your donations will enable us to gift them not only with fun presents but also with necessities for the approaching winter.

Blessing Nepali Pastors and Missionaries: Approximately 30 Nepali pastors and missionaries will receive a small Christmas blessing. These devoted individuals tirelessly serve both their communities and unreached areas with the Gospel, working daily to take the Good News to places it has never before been.

We humbly ask you to consider giving your best during this season of giving. As the Apostle Paul encourages in 2 Corinthians 9:7, “Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” Your cheerful giving contributes to the manifestation of Christ’s love in tangible ways.

Our collective goal for this year’s Christmas outreach is $20,000 USD. Together, we can make a lasting impact and share the true spirit of Christmas with those who need it most.

May the joy of giving fill your hearts as we unite in love and service. We anticipate the blessings that will flow from your generosity and express our preemptive gratitude for your partnership in this meaningful journey. We love you! ❤️

All to Jesus,
Dustan (& Darlene) Stanley
Hasten Nations

P.S. To donate, click the give button on this page, or you can mail your gift to:

Hasten Nations
PO Box 1600
McComb, MS 39649

This Year's Projects

Browse below to see all of the Christmas projects for 2023 and find out how you can be involved.

Build a brand new kitchen for one of our host homes in Nepal.
Full Funded! 100%
Give our Kids in Nepal (and their house parents) a Great Christmas
Full Funded! 100%
Bless a Village with Supplies for the Upcoming Winter
Fully Funded! 100%
Bless 30 Nepali Pastors & Missionaries and their Families.
Almost There! 55%

Goal: $20,000

Our entire giving goal for this Christmas is $20,000. Donate today and be a part of blessing needy families in Nepal this Holiday Season,.

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