At Hasten Nations, we focus on three primary areas: Saving God’s Babies, Serving the Suffering, and Preparing the Way of the Lord!

When we say Prepare the Way, we mean the completion of The Great Commission and the winning of souls. Billions still do not know what Jesus did for them, and it is the primary mission of the worldwide Church to get the Gospel to them!

Jesus said that the Gospel would be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end would come. That means one way we can hasten the day of the Lord, is by preaching the Gospel in all the world, especially in nations of the world where there is little or no testimony of Jesus.

At Hasten Nations, we are dedicated to ongoing evangelistic and discipleship missions. This year, in addition to our ongoing work in Nepal, we have discipleship training and evangelism programs planned for South Asia and West Africa.

Another way we reach the unreached is by working closely with and supporting those who dedicate their lives to seeing their people come to know Jesus! Through training, financial partnership, and relationship, we join arms to help these incredible men and women be salt and light to their regions. The results are outstanding, and we often get pictures like the one above showing people hearing the Gospel for the first time!

These men and women of God love their neighborhoods and show it with action. Many have already planted new mission works to serve their local people. In the video below, you can see a group of believers in a newly reached area digging the footers for a new location to have church gatherings and mission outreach programs for their community.

In the years ahead, we foresee many more personal and mass evangelism programs that go hand in hand with mission outreaches and discipleship programs. Simply put, we plan to do more and more as we continue. We started this ministry preaching the Gospel to the unreached, and we will endeavor to keep at it until the Lord’s return. We believe every person should have an opportunity to make their own choice if they believe the Gospel of Jesus or not. Our job is to get it to them.

The Great Commission is the mission not just of a few but of the whole church. If you consider yourself a believer, the Great Commission is your job. Many will never go to places like those in the video and photo above, but when you partner with Hasten Nations, you join in this beautiful work and store up for yourselves treasures in heaven. God notices your gifts to the poor, and we believe they go to your heaven account.

As we like to say, when you give, you go.