What have we witnessed the Lord Jesus do during this time in Nepal? How can we put into words the wonders the Lord has performed? All I can say to do it justice is:
Exodus 34:6-7 (ESV) “The LORD, the LORD, a God merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love and faithfulness, 7 keeping steadfast love for thousands, forgiving iniquity and transgression and sin,
I am writing you from a coffee shop (Praise the Lord!) in central Nepal. We just got back from the mountains and are taking a day of rest before we begin our next time of outreach here in the city. Because of time restraints, we have jam-packed as much ministry into a short time as we could handle. So much rough travel is required to visit these remote churches, and sometimes you need a little time to recover before diving in. However, we have been nonstop for the past week, visiting one location after the other to strengthen the church, win the loss, and serve our Nepali brothers and sisters.
We began this journey in South Nepal, in a remote forested area. If you want to check out, I’ve written about this here. Then we went to where our second children’s home is preparing to build a new kitchen. After, we traveled to another place where we ministered to another church, prayed over the kids we care for, and delivered the gift to rebuild the kitchen of the host home of those children.
After, we traveled north, toward the mountains, where we were to minister at another church in a very strategic location.
Prophetic Ministry
While praying about this upcoming time of ministry, the Lord showed me a Great Flame over the church. It was a single flame, tall, wide, and bright. As I asked the Lord about this, He spoke to my heart that He desired that this church be a flame for the region. As I began to write down what I was receiving for the church, the Lord continued to elaborate through His word. It came down to these points:
1. The Lord wanted this church to be a light for the region.
This church is located at a launching point to multiple areas of the remote Himalayas. We often hold our Youth and Ministeter conference in this area.
2. The Lord wanted this church to be a place of intercession.
I saw individuals and groups gathering to pray for the lost, standing between the living and the dead. I saw them praying for laborers to be sent and for the laborers in the field. They were to be a house of prayer to hold up the arms of the laborers working to finish the Great Commission.
3. The Lord wanted this church to be a sending center.
I discerned from the Lord that He wanted this church to be a training, fueling, and sending center for the region, just as the city is a hub for equipping and fueling expeditions into the mountains. Also, I saw these people doing good works in particular, so people can see the good works and give glory to God.
4. Lastly, the Lord wanted this to be a house of surrender.
Without surrender, none of the rest of the word was possible. The humility of surrender creates the grace that everything else is built on. No surrender, no oil. No oil, no Holy Spirit fire.
So, we arrived at this church and the first thing I noticed was that they were under construction. I’ve been here many times over the years, and it was always a single story with a rooftop. Now, two more floors were being built.
When the service started and it was turned over to us to minister, I shared what I felt the Lord wanted me to deliver. The people listened well to the Word, receiving it well, and the pastor sat in the back, seemingly fighting tears. Because of how loud many of our services can get here, I was concerned that the word was not sitting well.
At the end of the service, we led people into a time of surrender to the Lord Jesus and intercessory prayer for the region.
Next, we prayed for the sick. Around eight people came forward saying the Lord had healed their bodies and testifying publically of the Lord’s healing power. While testifying, one man saw he had a vision during prayer and he saw Brother Robert and I standing near a pond and there were three angels with us.
The Word Confirmed
It was a wonderful service, but the most amazing part (to me) came after. We finished ministering and the pastor quickly asked us to climb up the stairs to the new construction. As we climbed to the top he told us that he was crying during the service because every word spoken by the Holy Spirit confirmed what was in His heart.
He led us to a little room, off the side of a new sanctuary.
“This is our prayer room. It is just like what was said by the Holy Spirit. We are called to have an intercessory prayer ministry here! We are building this room so people can be here and pray.”
“How often do you want them to pray here?” I asked.
“We want it to be 24 hours a day, every day!”
“Praise God!”
Next, the pastor pointed out the window to a river that was feeding a water supply. Over the river was a bridge and pipes ran up from the river to supply water to many different places.
“We have been doing many good things in this community. We built the bridge for the people and even supplied water to many people.” The pastor said, then he laughed and continued. “We even supply water for the temple up the hill. The whole community and even the city love that we are here helping. Even the temple is glad the church is here!”
My heart was burning at this point, in gratitude that the Lord would bring such accurate encouragement.
The pastor continued. “Just as you said (by the Holy Spirit), it is our vision to send people all over this region and even to other nations! We want to be used greatly by the Lord!”
Turns out that the leaders of the entire city are now noticing the good done. Also, the reason the people listened was because I was not bringing some new word to them. I was repeating what the pastor was already preaching and teaching and DOING! Hallelujah!
Please continue to pray! In one place, the Lord moves with fire, and then the next he strengthens the church with His word and confirmation of His will. In every place, Jesus (and Jesus alone!) is healing and bringing deliverance and salvation.
Thank you for your support. Your giving makes all of this possible. Your prayers make it successful. I love you more than you know.
To God be the glory! May the Lamb continue to receive the reward for His sufferings! May we endure in love until all the nations have heard the Gospel of Christ’s Kingdom!
All to Jesus,
P.S. This year, we are looking to do more in one year than the last four years combined. We need many new monthly partners. If you would like to give a special gift or become a monthly partner, you can do so by clicking here.